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2021: “Альтерглобализм" (Alterglobalism)

The exhibition Alterglobalism was prepared by students of the "culturology" department of the Faculty of Philosophy of MSU Lomonosov. The exhibition presents the works of more than 40 artists from Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, the United States, China and Costa Rica. The definition of "alterglobalism" subsumes the actions of a whole spectrum of social movements that advocate global cooperation while critically confronting the current model of globalization, turning their interest to local cultures and rethinking the concepts of justice and cooperation. The project was a creative search for new images of social relations in a global world. The works presented touch on themes related to international cultural dialogue, migration and economic inequality, intersectionality as a movement against different forms of oppression and discrimination, regional experience and local cultural identities. 

2022: Зачем теперь нужно искусство? (Why do we need art now?)

Reflecting on the military conflict in Ukraine and more generally on the convulsive state of today's world, crossed by the climate crisis, war and pandemics, the question arose: what is contemporary art for now? We tried to answer this question with the help of emerging Russian artists, still students, coming from some of the main contemporary art academies in Moscow, such as the program of the MMOMA Museum. 


2023: Ручная кладь (Hand luggage)

The project is a retrospective of the emerging Russian artist Alexandr Sokolov. Alexandr grew up in the 90s in a cultural environment dominated by the aesthetics of hip-hop, manga and video games, so the artist feels located in the middle of two cultural worlds: the local Russian and the global Western, which has led him to reflect on the cultural polyphony in an increasingly global world, on the interpenetration and dialogues that are established between often conflicting cultures, where the artist places the game as a transversal axis of his work as the creation of a unifying space for intercultural interaction and resolution of tensions. 


In the midst of the pandemic and the militar situation in Ukraine, the artist has felt how his link with one of his cultural worlds was abruptly severed. As a way out of the forced isolation, the artist, together with the curator, decided to propose a play space that, like Duchamp's La Boîte-en-valise, which inspires the project, represents an effort by the artist to ensure that his work will not be forgotten in the midst of a political and social crisis. The artist will send his suitcase to 3 different countries, where the exhibitions will be generated in simultaneous communication through P2P streaming technologies, where each node of the exhibition will enter into communication with the others, generating a space of international play and interaction where viewers can interact and play, an exhibition that can be interpreted in itself as a work of art of interaction.

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