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Alfredo Arévalo 


Curator of contemporary art based in Costa Rica and Moscow

Hi, I'm Alfredo Arevalo, an emerging curator of contemporary art from Central America, born in Costa Rica. I grew up in the 90s in the art studio of my father, Costa Rican artist Hernán Arévalo, who introduced me to the practice of woodcut that he learned from Amighetti. From my father I received my first rudiments in art history and he encouraged my interest in contemporary art. During my childhood, which took place in the context of the post-digital era, I already sensed that video games and the internet would be the art of the future, an aspect that later had an impact on my research interests and my curatorial approach.


My university studies began first at the School of Philosophy at the University of Costa Rica, where I focused my attention on political philosophy and more specifically on the theory of ideology, which since then always called my attention. After finishing my undergraduate studies in Costa Rica, I moved to Moscow to pursue a master's degree in culturology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, in an attempt to resume my interest in contemporary art, this time to combine it with its other interests: video games, internet culture, memes and the theory of ideology.


My experience in Russia led me to become interested in intercultural contexts and alterglobalist political projects. With this plurality of influences, I want to develop a curatorial approach that privileges the creation of interactive spaces, the use of multimedia tools, with which I intend to experiment on the possibilities of the internet for global communication. 

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